
Crazy intruder stabs pregnant mum in her belly when she tells him she's pregnant

A sick intruder almost killed a pregnant mum after stabbing her belly when she told him she was pregnant. Insane intruder, Nathaniel Robinson ordered the victim to phone her boyfriend so he could hear her screams and he aimed the kitchen knife at her stomach when she told him she was expecting a baby.
The 25-year-old victim, who would not be named, grappled with the knifeman and almost bled to death at the scene.

She survived along with her unborn child, a baby boy, but said she was haunted by her three-minute ordeal – and the reason for the motiveless attack.
After bravely revealing a thick scar at the top of her stomach and other wounds, she told the Birmingham Mail:
“My boyfriend could hear my screams on the other end of the line. “I pleaded with Robinson to stop. I said: ‘Please don’t do this, I’m pregnant’. “But then he started to target my stomach. I grabbed the knife, which is why I had hand injuries. He was completely silent throughout."
Robinson struck at the victim’s home in Bournville late on the evening of May 23.
Police were alerted by a neighbour who heard her screams. But she was stabbed seven times, suffering nine injuries.

The victim lost so much blood that, when a 999 operator urged her to apply pressure to the wound, she replied: “Which one?”
She has since left that home to live somewhere else, still fears for her safety and is battling with the physical and psychological scars of the attack.
Recalling her night of horror, the victim said Robinson showed up at the flat and pulled out a "very large knife" when she asked him to leave.
She said:
“He asked me to sit on the bed, call my boyfriend and put him on loud speaker. “I did as he asked and tilted the handset towards him so he could talk, but he said nothing.
“He lunged across and started to stab me as soon as my partner picked up the phone. “He was only in the house for a total of three minutes – but it felt like an eternity. “When he left I started to panic that he would come back to finish me off. “I dragged myself across the floor to get to the front door to close it. “There was blood everywhere.
“I called my mum, who lived nearby, and an ambulance - I did not think I was going to make it. “My neighbour started banging the door and my mum had also arrived and was screaming at the door. “But the 999 operator said not to open the door to anybody until the police arrived.
“My neighbour had started to try to use a crowbar to get inside. “Eventually the police, my neighbour and the paramedics got in along with my mum, sister and partner. “It was very traumatic to hear my mum and sister outside desperately trying to get in.”
The victim was rushed to Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital , where her only thought was for her baby, who is due next month.
She said:
“I had two operations to severe nerve damage on a finger on my left hand and to my knee. “The first wound was stabbed down into my knee and all of my tendons and ligaments were severed. “I had minimum pain relief and just kept asking about my baby. “I was awake during surgery because of the anaesthetic and I was terrified I would lose my baby. “I am very lucky we both survived.”
Robinson, 25, of Bartley Green, admitted inflicting Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) with intent and possession of a bladed article in October. He is due to be sentenced later this week.

The victim bravely helped police investigating the brutal crime by tracking Robinson down via social media as she recovered in hospital.
She said:
“I really hope he is given a lengthy sentence. “I have gone through all the anger, the tears and the heartache and now I want closure. “I hate the thought of him serving a short sentence and coming out to threaten me and my baby.
“I had to leave my old home because of a fear he would send somebody else to finish the job off. “He may be locked up at the moment, but this has affected all aspects of my life. “My scars are hyper-sensitive, I struggle to stand and walk for long periods and I have no sensation in my finger at all.
“I work with very vulnerable people and it has been very difficult. “I also know I will be very protective of my son when he arrives and I react badly to anybody who tries to touch my stomach. “I am angry a man who stabbed me seven times with a knife he brought to my house was not convicted of attempted murder. “My baby boy is due in January and I am hoping the new year will mark a new start and a new beginning."


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